Mood board images on a wall

What is a Creative Consultant?


Do you ever find yourself stuck in a never-ending Google rabbit hole trying to find the answers to your most pressing brand-related issues? One minute you’re searching for, “how to choose perfect brand colors” and the next, you’re on page 5 of the search results … but you’re left with even more confusion and just wasted hours of your time. There’s a better way. It involves backing away from those 15 open tabs and getting real, personalized support. That’s where a Creative Consultant comes in.

Definition of a Creative Consultant

A creative consultant provides guidance and advice to small businesses on how to represent themselves best creatively. This could include anything from branding and advertising to website design and content creation. Creative consultants work closely with clients to understand their needs and develop creative solutions that meet those needs. They also help to create and maintain a unique brand identity for their clients. Creative consultants have an eye for detail and are able to translate a client’s vision into reality. They can also provide guidance on how best to market a brand and create content that resonates with the target audience. In short, they act as a bridge between the client and their customers, helping to ensure that both sides have a great experience. With the right creative consultant, your business can benefit from expert advice and a well-crafted brand that sets you apart from the competition.

Benefits of Working with a Creative Consultant

In a creative consulting session, an expert can help you hone in on your specific branding or website challenge, develop a plan to move forward, and get you walking away with the motivation and energy to take action. The best part is, you can get actionable results without having to spend hours upon hours researching answers, wasting money testing different solutions, or worse, getting so frustrated that you eventually give up or settle for mediocre. With consulting sessions, I’ve helped tons of other business owners just like you gain loads of clarity in only an hour of your time. 

How to Choose the Right Creative Consultant

Choosing the right creative consultant is no small feat, but it’s an important decision if you want to ensure your brand is successful. But don’t worry, when done right, it can result in a successful project that boosts your brand and brings in more customers. Here are a few things to consider when selecting a creative consultant:

The first thing you should consider is their experience. Make sure they have the expertise needed to suit your situation. Are you looking for someone to guide you with branding? Website design? Social media campaigns? Once you know what your goals are, you can start looking for the right creative consultant. Be sure to read reviews and ask for referrals from other businesses.

Next, it’s essential to look at the quality of their work. See if they have a portfolio of past projects or share a wealth of knowledge on social media. You should also pay attention to their communication style. Be sure to ask questions to make sure that you can work well together.

Finally, make sure you choose someone who has similar values and beliefs to yours. This will ensure that you’re both on the same page when it comes to your project. With the right creative consultant by your side, you can create a successful project that will take your business to the next level.

Creative Consulting Costs

The fees associated with hiring a Creative Consultant can vary but are usually charged on an hourly or per-session basis. It all depends on experience level. New consultants may charge $50 per hour while those with loads of expertise may charge up to $400 or more for a power-hour session. While it’s important to keep budget in mind, consider the importance of your creative problem and the massive value a consultant can provide you. Investing in a quality consulting session with someone who can offer an abundance of insight into your specific problem in a short amount of time will save you money in the long run.

The Creative Consulting Process

The process of working with a creative consultant can vary from person to person largely depending on the needs being addressed. Most often it starts with a connection meeting to confirm you two make a good match to work together. Next, they may ask you to send over any information or materials prior to your official session. This way the consultant can prepare how to best serve you.

How to Prepare for a Creative Consulting Session

Preparing for a creative consulting session can initially seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! If you’re working with a creative consultant to help with your branding, website design, or other marketing materials, here are a few tips to help make the process go more smoothly.

First, take some time to think about the goals you have for the session. Are you unsure about your logo? Have questions about your website? Something else entirely? Being clear about what you want to accomplish will help you get the most out of your session. If you’d like, do some research on the topics you want to discuss. This not only shows the consultant you’re serious, but it also helps you form questions and ideas to get the most out of the meeting. Create a list of questions to ask your creative consultant. These questions should be tailored to your specific needs and help you get the most out of the consultation.

Second, come prepared for the session with any necessary visuals or documents. This could include current branding materials, website analytics, customer feedback, examples of past successes, current trends, or even competitor research. Knowing what you already have can help your creative consultant develop a better understanding of your business and create solutions tailored to your needs.

Finally, come prepared to be creative! Creative consulting can be really fun, so don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild. Bring an open mind and be willing to listen to the creative consultant’s ideas and feedback. Creative consultants often come up with unexpected solutions, so make sure you’re prepared to think outside the box. With the right preparation, your creative consulting session is sure to be a success.

Examples of Creative Consulting Success Stories

Creative consultants are experts in their fields, offering clients valuable insight and advice to help them reach their objectives. They bring an outside perspective, fresh ideas, and a deep understanding of industry trends. Creative consultants also develop strategies to maximize the impact of a business’s creative efforts, ensuring that their ideas are effective and efficient. They can give entrepreneurs insights to create powerful visuals, innovative campaigns, and compelling stories that will engage customers and create meaningful connections. Creative consultants can be a valuable asset to any organization looking to achieve its goals, and they can help take a business to the next level. One of my recent clients said it best:

Hannah is a wealth of knowledge and so helpful. Within minutes I felt relief, understood, and like I’m positioning my brand based on my values and skills. As a solopreneur, it’s such an amazing feeling to receive personalized, actionable direction and resources for the next steps.”

– Erin Norris 

Erin runs a marketing business that provides efficient systems to help small businesses scale. She had recently niched down to fitness professionals. Erin scheduled a consulting session to discuss her brand visuals because they didn’t feel quite right. In only an hour, we refined her brand essence, identified her brand archetypes, and discussed how to adjust her colors and typography to better communicate these findings. Erin walked away with so much confidence and was able to put together a clear vision board for her brand refresh. She had a super smooth brand photoshoot the very next weekend based on this vision and ended up with gorgeous images.

Final Thoughts

Are you ready to finally stop searching through the minefield that is Google and get the personalized support you crave? A creative consultant is an expert in the creative industry who provides advice and guidance on branding, advertising, and website design. They can be valuable assets to any business, as they have the skills to help create effective and innovative campaigns. Creative consultants are also able to conceive and develop ideas that can help businesses stand out from the competition.

From defining brand pillars and strategies to refining graphics, a creative consultant can bring a new level of creativity and professionalism to any business. They are also able to provide valuable insight into the industry, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve and find success. With their skills and knowledge, creative consultants can be great partners for any business looking to build a strong brand and create a successful online presence.

Interested in a session with Meteor Street Studio? Everyone is on their own, unique path and I’ll happily meet you where you’re at.

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I see too many wellness businesses struggle to create professional and genuinely beautiful brand experiences that communicate their value.

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