Website homepage guide

Is Your Homepage Neglecting These Simple Questions? Let’s Find Out.


A website homepage can be likened to the cover of a book. Just as the cover is designed to draw readers in and provide them with an introduction to what is inside, a website homepage should do the same by enticing visitors to explore further into the site.

The design of your website homepage should be just as carefully thought out as that of a book cover. It should be attractive and engaging, laid out in a logical manner, and above all else provide visitors with an overview of the content they can expect on your site.

Are you confident that your website homepage is providing value and helping customers quickly find the information they need? With all the content and design decisions to make, it can feel like an overwhelming task to figure out how you should start. But the truth is, there are six simple questions your potential clients are asking that will help guide you in making sure your homepage isn’t neglecting any crucial elements. Today I want to share these essential questions with you so together we can take a closer look at whether or not your website could benefit from attention in certain areas. Let’s get started!

These insights are based on my 12 years of design experience for both service-based and e-commerce businesses. I offer one-to-one consulting, fully-customizable website templates, and heaps of free guidance to help independent businesses with optimizing their websites.

Curious if your own website is meeting the bar? Download the free Flawless Website Checklist.

“No one comes to your website to be entertained. They have questions they think you can answer. Content answers questions.”

Jay Baer

1. What does this business do?

Your homepage is likely one of the first points of contact potential customers have with your business. Research has shown that visitors form an opinion about a website within 0.05 seconds of arriving on its homepage! This means that having an attractive and well-designed homepage is essential for making a good first impression. It should immediately answer this key question – What does this business do?

The answer is not only vital for attracting customers and growing your business but for creating a sense of trust and ensuring consistent expectations. An informative yet concise homepage provides the best starting point for any online business. If you can quickly communicate to users precisely how you can meet their needs, then they’ll be one step closer to becoming loyal customers.

2. Is this for me?

Your website’s homepage is an essential tool for creating a first impression. The next crucial point that should be addressed on a homepage is an introduction to the type of customer you serve. They’ll want to know quickly if you two will make a good match.

It’s also a good idea to mention where your business is located – be it online or physical. By being clear about who you serve and where you are, customers have confidence in your brand and feel engaged with your business.

3. How can I benefit from this?

At its core, your homepage should aim to clearly explain the value that working with you brings them. Showcasing the value you can offer potential customers is a great way to pique their interest. Plus, encourages them to explore further into your site.

Briefly explaining how you can benefit your clients on your homepage is essential to draw their attention and is the best way to make a great first impression. With key features highlighted clearly and concisely, a customer will quickly understand what you offer and why they should work with you. Your homepage should grab the attention of potential clients and help them decide if they want to take the journey further into learning more about who you are and what you do.

4. How does it work?

On your homepage, your clients come first. You want to make sure your potential clients know you are the perfect solution for their challenges. Provide an overview of how your services offer a solution that is tailored to your clients’ needs. Outline how easy it is to work with you; for example, describe down-to-earth interactions, quick results, or transformative techniques. Show customers just how simple and stress-free working with you can be by describing the process of the experience step-by-step: from initial consultation to desirable outcomes. Put the power in the customer’s hands and let them know you have their best interests at heart.

5. What makes this different from other similar services?

A successful homepage needs to clearly demonstrate why you are different from the competition, showcasing exactly what makes you stand out from the rest. What sets you apart could be anything from your unique approach or breadth of services, to years of experience in your particular industry. Focus on your core strengths, again coming back to how they can solve problems for your customers. Other points of difference could be extra features, your interesting background, specialized knowledge, or distinctive customer service.

With the right information displayed on your homepage, customers will know exactly why they need to choose you over somebody else – make sure yours does that! Demonstrate just how much you can improve their lives and make sure they know why they should choose you over somebody else. Be clear and direct in discussing the results they will obtain by selecting you!

6. Cool. Now what?

Homepages are the window to any website – they are the face that greets visitors and helps them decide whether to stay and take action. You’ll want to create one that is inviting and encourages further engagement. Make it clear what visitors should do next – do they need to download something? Contact you directly? Book your services? If a potential customer is already on your homepage, why wait? You can ensure they move forward quickly by providing user-friendly navigation, a prominent call-to-action button, or a short form or questionnaire to help them get started on their exciting journey with you. Your homepage truly has the power to convert visitors into paying clients – so don’t let them leave without taking action! By providing the relevant information on your homepage and making it as easy as possible, they will be more likely to become clients and return again in the future.

BONUS: What do my peers think of you?

Showcasing client reviews and testimonials on your homepage is a great way to boost attraction. They will feel more connected to your business before even contacting you. Not only does this act as an immediate trust factor for prospective customers, but also sets the tone that you are an established brand with highly-satisfied clientele.

Set aside a section (or two!) of your homepage specifically dedicated to showcasing customer testimonials. Current customers can become advocates and share their positive experiences. Seeing social proof helps potential customers make the right decision, increasing the likelihood of them choosing you as their go-to provider. Utilizing reviews and testimonials on homepages is effective in building trust with potential clients and strengthening relationships with current ones.

Final Thoughts

Finally, remember that your website homepage is only one piece of the puzzle; it’s part of a larger whole that makes up your entire website experience. Just as you wouldn’t judge a book solely by its cover, don’t let your website homepage define the entirety of your online presence. It provides context and sets the tone for what’s to come—but it doesn’t define the full narrative.

Not sure if you have created an unsuccessful or successful website homepage? Purchase my new guide, Center Stage Homepage, today to achieve maximum impact when visitors arrive at your website! With these tips on optimizing your website homepage’s layout, design, and organization, you can have a winning combination in no time. Don’t wait to get started on making sure that your website’s cover is just as compelling as its contents. Go ahead and take control—exciting things lie ahead!

Now you know what questions to address on your homepage, but what encourages them to book? Check out 7 Proven Strategies to Convert Website Visitors into Loyal Clients.

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I see too many wellness businesses struggle to create professional and genuinely beautiful brand experiences that communicate their value.

So, I traded in a decade-long career in corporate design and marketing in order to craft remarkable brands and websites for these inspiring small businesses.

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