Showit website builder app

Three reasons why I abandoned Squarespace and fell in love with Showit


About two years ago, I made the switch from Squarespace to Showit for my design business. I was a die-hard Squarespace user for 15 years, but in 2021 I started getting really frustrated with the website builder. I could never get websites to match my vision of how I wanted them to look without implementing custom code. And with every new Squarespace update, those custom elements would break. Then I heard about the drag-and-drop builder, Showit and immediately knew I had to make the change. At first, I was hesitant – I had become so accustomed to the Squarespace platform and all of its features. But after making the switch, I quickly fell in love with Showit.

In this post, you’ll learn three reasons why I recommend the Showit website builder for every service business.

These insights are based on my 12 years of web design experience for both service-based and e-commerce businesses. I offer one-to-one consulting, fully-customizable website templates, and heaps of free guidance to help independent businesses with optimizing their websites.

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1. Showit offers more flexibility when it comes to design.

Squarespace utilizes a grid system. This makes for easy editing and updating, but if you want a look that has more flair or the desire to break the grid, you need to implement custom code. It supports CSS code, which means that you can carefully customize many visual features on your website to help you stand out. If you are comfortable with code, then this is fine. Although in my experience, there can reach a point where you have to add a lot of custom CSS to make your Squarespace site look more unique and it can break your site or make it glitchy. After months of frustration with Squarespace updating behind the scenes and breaking my clients’ websites, I was desperate to find a user-friendly website platform that didn’t require any coding to make outstanding designs.

That’s when I discovered Showit, an innovative platform that is revolutionizing the website-building process. Showit is the perfect platform when it comes to design and customization. Showit allows for a much higher level of control when customizing a website so that it fits the user’s brand perfectly. With Showit, there is no grid and you’re not forced to place content where they decide. You get to do what works best for your needs. With Showit, users can drag and drop website elements and create stunning designs with a few simple clicks, eliminating the need for any coding or design experience. Squarespace can’t compete with the level of user-friendliness and customization that Showit offers. Now I am able to confidently build unforgettable websites for my clients with unparalleled ease.

With Showit you have the potential to create something wholly unique and engaging.

2. Top-notch mobile website creation.

Squarespace takes a minimalist approach to its functionality, which is certainly great for some people. It takes a desktop-first approach and automatically creates a mobile site to correspond to what you’ve done on the desktop version. This doesn’t always work as planned. Many times, elements will get out of order in the mobile experience as everything simply stacks on top of each other. If you have gotten creative with your layout, your mobile site just won’t flow well.

As of January 2022, mobile devices accounted for almost 60% of global website traffic. And 57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. These statistics highlight the importance of having a mobile-friendly website that loads quickly and functions properly in order to provide a good user experience and potentially drive business results.

Unlike Squarespace, Showit does not automatically optimize your site for mobile which is a huge bonus in disguise! Instead, you can customize the mobile version of your website separately. This is great because you can easily ensure the mobile version looks exactly how you want it to and that it functions properly. It does add a bit more time to your building process, but it’s worth it.

3. Showit’s customer service is outstanding.

Showit is an invaluable resource for people who want to create an amazing website quickly and easily. What really sets Showit apart from the competition, however, is its customer service. Showit’s customer service team is friendly and knowledgeable, and they’re always quick to help answer any questions or address any issues you may have. While Squarespace’s customer service is fine, dealing with them always feels a bit transactional, whereas if you’re someone who appreciates a more personal interaction, Showit will impress you.

Not only are they helpful in times of need, but Showit also has a thriving community. Their users are just as incredible as the employees! They host annual conferences for small business owners in any industry to help them not only with their websites but as entrepreneurs as a whole. I attended their Spark conference in 2022 and was blown away by the comradery, knowledge, and resources available.

Can’t recommend Showit enough.

I believe Showit is a great platform for website creators who don’t have any coding knowledge. It comes with a variety of tools and features that will help you create a professional-looking website. Additionally, the customer service team is quick to respond with helpful solutions and advice. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use yet robust platform that offers more design options than Squarespace, Showit should be your go-to option.

Lastly, if you found this post helpful please share it with friends who might benefit from it! Having a user-friendly website can open so many doors in terms of growing an audience – the possibilities are endless!

Now you know why I recommend Showit to every service-based small business owner, but what about what happens after you’ve made the switch? Check out Web Design Trends to Know for 2023.

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I see too many wellness businesses struggle to create professional and genuinely beautiful brand experiences that communicate their value.

So, I traded in a decade-long career in corporate design and marketing in order to craft remarkable brands and websites for these inspiring small businesses.

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