How to design a sales funnel

How to design a sales funnel


Creating a sales funnel on your website is one of the most effective ways to get more leads and drive them through to making a purchase. It’s also a great way to keep track of which users are progressing through your process so you can tailor your follow-up accordingly. A sales funnel will increase the number of people who sign up for your updates, complete the contact form, and purchase from you. Keep reading to learn more about each stage of this process and how you can implement it on your website today!

What is a sales funnel?

To put it simply, a sales funnel is a process that guides your potential customers through their journey to purchase. You’ll be able to guide your customers through the sales process and make more sales from each visitor to your site. Sales funnels have been around for decades and have been proven to increase sales for companies of all sizes and industries. Once you have a clear picture of how your funnel works and what your goals are, you can begin to implement tactics to drive more traffic to your website and increase your sales.

4 stages of the sales funnel

There are four stages in the sales funnel process that customers move through before purchasing from you: awareness, consideration, intent, and conversion. Once you understand how these stages work together as a sales funnel, implementing one on your website becomes much easier. Here’s what each stage looks like in a sales funnel:


This is when your potential customers first hear about you and your products or services. At this stage, customers are not familiar with you or your brand.


Once your customers become aware of your business, they begin weighing their options and comparing you to your competitors. This is the stage where you have the opportunity to position yourself as the clear choice.


At this point, your customers are ready to move forward with a purchase. They know what they want, and they’re ready to buy.


The final stage of the funnel is the conversion or the point at which your customers are actually purchasing from you. You’ll want to make sure you have a strong sales funnel to make the rest of this process as simple as possible.

Types of sales funnels

There are many different types of sales funnels, each with its own unique purpose. The type of funnel you choose will depend on the type of product or service you offer and how you want to present it. Here are a few examples of popular funnel types:

Lead Generation

This is the first step of your sales process. At this point, you’re seeking new leads and trying to get them interested in your products or services. This is often offering some type of freebie in exchange for their contact information, like adding them to your email list.


A tripwire funnel adds a step in the traditional lead generation sequence. For example, after a customer gives you their information from downloading a freebie, they are taken to a tripwire page instead of a basic thank you page. This page offers something for a discounted price that they won’t find anywhere else – usually $1-$20. Make sure the offer provides high value for a low cost.

Sales Page

A sales page is the page on your website where you display your product. It tells customers what you have to offer and why they should buy. A sales page is usually long, but should also be easy to navigate, so customers can easily find what they are looking for, and see how much your product costs. A good sales page should also include a clear call-to-action button that encourages customers to buy. Place this ONE call to action several times on this page as they scroll! Your sales page should also contrast clearly with other pages on your website and should have no other navigation to other pages. This helps create a sense of hierarchy, organization, and focus.

Video/Sales Letter

A video sales letter is a page on your site that utilizes video to pitch your offer to the viewer. Your video should captivate your prospect’s attention, discuss their pain points, demonstrate how your offer solves their problem, and inspire them to take action. Ideally, your video will also establish your credibility and provide testimonials or proof of results.

Abandoned Cart

Often in the form of an email sequence, creating this type of funnel for the people who abandon their shopping cart as they go through the purchasing process can have a major impact on your bottom line. This reminds them of what’s great about your offer. Many people choose to offer a discount in an abandoned cart funnel.

How to build a sales funnel

There are many different elements that go into a sales funnel, including website design and copy, social media marketing, and email marketing. With all of those components, building a sales funnel can feel like a huge and overwhelming task. However, if you break it down into its most essential components, you can create a sales funnel that’s effective and easy to put into action. Here are some tips for building your sales funnel:

Define your target customer: The first thing you need to do is identify your customer. What are their desires? Where do they spend their time online? What are their goals and frustrations? By truly understanding who your customer is and what their needs are, you can create a sales funnel that resonates with them and drives them to purchase from you.

Know your offer: Once you’ve identified your customer, you need to know what you’re selling and how it benefits them. What do you provide? How does it help your customers? This is the heart of your sales funnel and needs to be clear and concise.

Create your sales funnel: Next, you need to actually build your sales funnel. You can do this with a variety of different tactics, including paid advertising, content marketing, email marketing, and more. No matter what elements you choose, your funnel needs to be clear and easy to follow.

Final Thoughts

A sales funnel is an essential part of any business marketing strategy. It will help you get more leads and sell more products or services. Creating a funnel on your website will help you manage the sales process and keep track of which users are progressing through your funnel. This is a great way to tailor your follow-up accordingly and increase the number of people who sign up for updates, complete the contact form, and purchase from you. A sales funnel is an essential part of any business marketing strategy. Creating a sales funnel on your website is a great way to manage the sales process and keep track of which users are progressing through your funnel.

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