Hi, I'm Hannah.
I'm a creative director who helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs build authentic brands and soulful websites.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Let’s chat about something that’s often overlooked but oh-so-important: your website’s About page. You know, that magical corner of your online home where you get to shine your light and share your story. But here’s the twist – we’re not just talking about slapping some words on a page. We’re diving into the art of authentic storytelling through web design. Ready to give your About page a glow-up that’ll make you proud? Let’s do this!

The About Page: More Than Just Words on a Screen

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room. The traditional “About Us” page can be, well… a bit of a snooze fest. 😴 But here’s where we flip the script: your About page isn’t just a biographical dumping ground. It’s a golden opportunity to connect with your dream clients, showcase your values, and let your personality sparkle.

Why Your About Page Matters (Like, Really Matters)

  1. First Impressions are Digital: For many potential clients, your About page is their first real “hello” to you and your brand. In fact, a study by KoMarketing found that 52% of visitors want to see an About page when they land on a company’s website.
  2. Trust Builder Extraordinaire: A well-crafted About page builds trust faster than you can say “authentic connection.” According to a LegalZoom survey, 75% of people surveyed said that having an About page on a business website increased their trust in the company.
  3. Your Secret SEO Weapon: When done right, your About page can be a surprisingly powerful tool for boosting your search engine rankings. It’s a perfect place to naturally incorporate those long-tail keywords that your ideal clients are searching for. Plus, it builds authority.
  4. Conversion Catalyst: Here’s a fun fact – Brafton reports that About pages are often among the most frequently visited pages on a website. And when visitors connect with your story? They’re more likely to stick around and explore your offerings.
  5. Alignment with Purpose-Driven Growth: Your About page is the perfect place to showcase your business’s purpose and values. This alignment is crucial for attracting like-minded clients and fostering sustainable growth. In fact, purpose-driven companies have been shown to outperform their competitors. (Are you curious about how to grow your purpose-driven business? Check out my guide on Strategies for Purpose-Driven Business Growth for more insights!)

Crafting Your Story: Where Design Meets Authenticity

Now, let’s get to the juicy part – how to actually create an About page that’s as unique and fabulous as you are.

1. Start with Soul-Searching

Before you even think about design, take a moment to reflect:

  • What’s your ‘why’?
  • What journey led you here?
  • What makes your heart sing about your work?

Pro tip: Book a Brand Alignment Coaching session to dig deep into your unique narrative!

2. Design with Purpose

Now, let’s talk design. Your About page should be a visual representation of your story:

  • Use colors that reflect your brand personality (remember, color psychology is your friend!)
  • Choose images that resonate with your journey
  • Incorporate elements that showcase your unique style

Fun fact: A study by Adobe found that 65% of consumers say that good design is crucial to earning their trust.

3. Write from the Heart

Your words matter. A lot. Here’s how to make them count:

  • Speak directly to your ideal client (like I’m doing right now!)
  • Share your story, but focus on how it relates to helping your clients
  • Inject your personality – if you’re playful, let it show!

4. Structure for Scannability

Let’s face it, we’re all skimmers sometimes. Make your page easy to digest:

  • Use headers and subheaders
  • Incorporate bullet points or numbered lists
  • Break up text with design elements or photos

Did you know? According to Nielsen Norman Group, 79% of test users always scanned any new page they came across; only 16% read word-by-word.

5. Show, Don’t Just Tell

Remember, we’re going for authentic storytelling here:

  • Include testimonials from happy clients
  • Showcase your in your element
  • Add a fun fact or two about yourself (that time John Stamos kissed you when you were a baby is totally relevant! Oh wait… that was me.)

6. Call to Action

Guide your readers on what to do next:

  • Invite them to check out your services
  • Encourage them to connect on social media
  • Prompt them to reach out for a chat

A Personal Touch: My About Page Journey

Let me share a little story with you. When I made my first portfolio website, my About page was… well, let’s just say it was less than stellar. It was a wall of text that read like a resume, with a grainy photo I’d taken with a selfie stick… Yikes! 😬

But then I had an “aha” moment. I realized that my About page wasn’t really about me – it was about my clients and how I could help them. So, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I infused my page with my personality (hello, vibey brand photography), focused on the transformation I offer clients, and even added a fun “5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me” section.

The result? Not only did I start getting more inquiries, but the clients reaching out were exactly the kind of female founders I love working with. It was like my About page had become a magnet for my dream clients!

Time for Action: Your About Page Glow-Up

Alright, my friend, it’s time to put this knowledge into action. I know the idea of revamping your About page might feel a bit overwhelming – trust me, I’ve been there! But remember, this is an exciting opportunity to showcase your authentic self. If you’re feeling a bit anxious about the process, that’s totally normal. (Psst… if you’re looking for ways to manage the stress that comes with running a small business, check out my article on Anti-Anxiety 101: 8 Practical Tips for Running Your Small Business with Calm Confidence. It might just be the confidence boost you need!)

Now, let’s break this down into manageable steps. Here are some instant upgrades you can make to your About page right now:

  1. Audit Your Current Page: What’s missing? What doesn’t feel quite “you”?
  2. Inject More You: Add a personal story or anecdote that showcases your values
  3. Visual Refresh: Update your photos or add a new graphic element
  4. Simplify: Cut any fluff and make sure every word serves a purpose
  5. Add Proof: Include a testimonial or a snapshot of your work

Beyond the Basics: Advanced About Page Strategies

Ready to take your About page to the next level? Let’s explore some advanced strategies:

1. Incorporate Video

According to Wyzowl, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. Why not add a short video to your About page? It’s a fantastic way to create an instant connection with your visitors.

2. Tell Your Brand’s Origin Story

Everyone loves a good origin story. Share the pivotal moment that led you to start your business. Was there a problem you encountered that you knew you could solve? A lightbulb moment during a morning jog? Your audience will love this peek behind the curtain.

3. Highlight Your Values

In today’s socially conscious world, consumers want to know what a brand stands for. A Cone/Porter Novelli study found that 78% of Americans believe companies must do more than just make money; they must positively impact society as well. Use your About page to showcase your values and any social initiatives your business supports.

4. Create an Interactive Timeline

If your brand has an interesting history, consider creating an interactive timeline. It’s a engaging way to show your growth and milestones. It’s simple to create one in the Showit builder using canvas views. Otherwise, tools like TimelineJS can help you create beautiful, interactive timelines with ease.

5. Introduce Your Team

If you have a team, your About page is the perfect place to introduce them. This adds a human touch to your brand and helps build trust.

6. Use Power Words

Sprinkle your About page with power words that evoke emotion and drive action. The team at CoSchedule has compiled an extensive list of power words that can help make your copy more compelling. I reference this all the time when I help clients craft compelling headlines.

Common About Page Pitfalls to Avoid

As we wrap up, let’s quickly touch on some common mistakes to steer clear of:

  1. Making It All About You: Remember, while it’s your story, it should always tie back to how you can help your clients.
  2. Being Too Formal: Your About page isn’t a corporate memo. Let your personality shine!
  3. Neglecting Mobile Users: With mobile traffic accounting for approximately half of web traffic worldwide, make sure your About page looks great on all devices.
  4. Forgetting to Update: Your business evolves, and so should your About page. Set a reminder to review and refresh it regularly.
  5. Skipping the Call-to-Action: Don’t leave your readers hanging! Always include a clear next step.

Wrapping It Up: Your Story, Your Way

Remember, your About page is more than just website design – it’s a reflection of you, your journey, and the amazing value you bring to your clients. By approaching it with authenticity and thoughtful design, you’re not just creating a page; you’re crafting an experience.

So go ahead, give your About page the love it deserves. Infuse it with your personality, align it with your brand, and watch as it transforms into a powerful tool for connection and growth. You’ve got this, and trust me, the results will make you beam with pride.

Now, go forth and tell your story, you incredible human! 🌟

Your Next Steps

Ready to take your website from “meh” to “wow”? Take my quick Website Audit Quiz to see how your current site stacks up and get personalized recommendations.

Remember, your story is unique and powerful. Let’s make sure your About page does it justice! Can’t wait to see the amazing things you create. πŸ’–

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HI, I'M Hannah

About Me β€’ About Me β€’ About Me β€’

Creative director, website designer, brand strategist, & digital craftsperson elevating businesses online.


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