Hi, I'm Hannah.
I'm a creative director who helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs build authentic brands and soulful websites.
Reading Time: 8 minutes

Do you know that feeling when your heart races a little faster as you check your inbox? Or when the mere thought of your to-do list makes your palms sweat? If you’re nodding along, my friend, you’re not alone. Entrepreneur anxiety is a real and common challenge that many of us face, but it doesn’t have to define your business journey. As a fellow small business owner living with generalized anxiety disorder, I’ve been there, done that, and bought the “I survived my first year in business” t-shirt.

In fact, every time I need to record a presentation or set a boundary with a client via email, I get that all-too-familiar tight feeling in my chest. But here’s the thing: running a business doesn’t have to be a constant rollercoaster of stress and anxiety. In fact, with a few mindful tweaks, you can transform your entrepreneurial journey into one of calm confidence. So grab your favorite cozy blanket, pour yourself a cup of tea, and let’s dive into some practical ways to bring more zen to your work day.

The Entrepreneur Anxiety Connection: More Common Than You Think

Before we jump into the good stuff, let’s talk about why entrepreneur anxiety is so prevalent. According to a study by the National Institute of Mental Health, about 19.1% of U.S. adults had an anxiety disorder in the past year. Now, throw in the unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship, and it’s no wonder many of us feel like we’re constantly riding an emotional seesaw.

But here’s the plot twist: that same drive that sometimes fuels your entrepreneur anxiety can also be your superpower. It’s all about channeling it in the right direction. So let’s explore how we can do just that. And if you’re curious about how to grow your business while staying true to your values, check out my Ultimate Guide to Purpose-Driven Business Growth.

8 Practical Tips for Cultivating Calm Confidence in Your Business

1. Embrace the Power of the Brain Dump

One of the most effective ways to combat entrepreneur anxiety is through the practice of ‘brain dumping’. This simple yet powerful technique can help clear mental clutter and reduce anxiety.

Remember that scene in Harry Potter where Dumbledore uses his wand to pull swirling thoughts out of his head and into the Pensieve? Well, we might not have magic wands, but we do have pens and paper (or notes apps, if you’re digitally inclined).

Take a few minutes each morning to do a “brain dump.” Write down everything that’s swirling in your mind – tasks, worries, brilliant ideas, grocery lists – everything. This simple act can help clear mental clutter and reduce anxiety.

Pro tip: Keep a notebook by your bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts, jot them down. It’s like telling your brain, “I hear you, and we’ll deal with this in the morning.”

2. Create Boundaries That Spark Joy (Yes, Marie Kondo-ing Your Work Life is a Thing)

Setting boundaries is crucial for managing entrepreneur anxiety. It’s about treating your energy like the precious resource it is. As small business owners, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being “always on.” But here’s a revolutionary idea: what if we treated our energy like the precious resource it is?

Set clear working hours and stick to them as much as possible. Create a dedicated workspace, even if it’s just a corner of your dining table. And here’s the kicker: learn to say “no” to tasks or clients that don’t align with your values or long-term goals.

Think of each “no” as a “yes”

Remember, every “no” to something that doesn’t serve you is a “yes” to your peace of mind and the growth of your business.

“But Hannah, I can’t say no, I want the money!” Is what your anxious limiting belief voice is shouting at me… I hear you, friend. But let me ask you this: is the money worth the extra stress of working with someone you don’t want to work with? If you’re on the fence, here’s a little trick: charge more than you usually would. If they say yes, then at least you’ll get that bag, girl. And who knows? The extra cushion might just make it worth your while. Remember, your sanity is priceless, but if you’re going to trade some of it, make sure you’re getting a good deal.

Setting boundaries is crucial not just for your business, but for your overall well-being. If you’ve ever experienced burnout (and let’s be honest, who hasn’t?), you know how important it is to protect your energy. For more insights on this, take a look at my post on 5 Lessons From Burnout – it might just save you from your next existential crisis.

3. Embrace Imperfect Action Over Perfect Inaction

Raise your hand if you’ve ever spent hours tweaking an Instagram post or agonizing over the perfect email subject line. (I’m raising both hands and a foot over here.)

While attention to detail is great, perfectionism can be a major source of entrepreneur anxiety. Instead, try embracing the concept of “imperfect action.” Launch that “good enough” website. Send that newsletter even if it’s not Pulitzer-worthy. Take action, learn from the results, and iterate.

As Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, famously said, “If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”

4. Develop a ‘Stress-Less’ To-Do List

A well-structured to-do list can be a powerful tool in managing entrepreneur anxiety. If your current list makes you want to crawl back under the covers, it’s time for a reframe.

Try this: At the end of each day, write down your top three priorities for tomorrow. Just three. Make them specific and actionable. Instead of “work on marketing,” try “draft Instagram post about the new service launch.”

This approach helps you focus on what truly matters and gives you a sense of accomplishment as you tick off those priorities.

Pro tip: If you’re looking for a tool to help you implement this strategy, I highly recommend the Full Focus Planner. It’s designed to help you prioritize your tasks, focus on what’s important, and achieve your goals without getting overwhelmed. You can check it out and purchase it here.

5. Practice the Art of Micro-Meditation

I know, I know. When I first started practicing meditation, I was not a fan…sitting cross-legged on the floor hurt my back and trying to empty my mind was about as easy as trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon.

But here’s the good news: meditation doesn’t have to be time-consuming to be effective in reducing entrepreneur anxiety. Enter the world of micro-meditation. Take 60 seconds to focus on your breath. Use an app like Insight Timer or Headspace for a quick guided session. Or try this: every time you wash your hands, use that time to take a few deep breaths and center yourself.

These small moments of mindfulness can add up to a calmer, more focused you. If you’re looking to incorporate more mindfulness into your daily routine, check out my post on 5 Powerful Mindfulness Habits for some practical tips.

6. Cultivate a ‘Growth Mindset‘ Support Squad

Having a support system is crucial in managing entrepreneur anxiety. Remember the old saying, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”? Well, in the world of small business, I’d argue that you need both speed and endurance. And that’s where your support squad comes in.

Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your vision. Join mastermind groups, attend networking events (virtual ones count too!), or find an accountability buddy. Share your wins, your struggles, and your “I have no idea what I’m doing” moments.

Having a support system doesn’t just provide emotional backup—it also gives you a sounding board for ideas and a reality check when anxiety tries to take the wheel.

My Go-to Support Team

Speaking of support squads, I want to share a game-changer that’s been instrumental in my own entrepreneurial journey: Elyse Archer’s $10k Club. As a proud member, I can attest to the transformative power of this program. It’s designed specifically for female entrepreneurs who want to achieve $10K+ months while mastering sales in an aligned way. But it’s more than just about the money—it’s about stepping into your most abundant, successful, and empowered self.

What I love about this program is how it combines practical sales strategies with mindset work, creating a holistic approach to business growth. If you’re looking to level up your business and surround yourself with like-minded, ambitious women, I highly recommend checking out the $10k Club. You can learn more and join here – don’t forget to tell them I referred you!

Remember, investing in yourself and your support system is one of the best things you can do for your business and your peace of mind.

7. Celebrate the Small Wins (And I Mean Small)

In the hustle of running a business and dealing with entrepreneur anxiety, it’s easy to always focus on the next big goal. But here’s a radical idea: what if we celebrated the tiny victories too?

Did you send that email you’ve been procrastinating on? Victory dance time! Finally figured out how to update that one thing on your website? Break out the chocolate!

By acknowledging these small wins, you’re training your brain to focus on progress rather than perfection. Plus, it’s a great excuse to stretch your legs and do a silly dance in your home office.

8. Harness the Power of Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations can be a game-changer in managing entrepreneur anxiety. Here’s a personal practice that has been instrumental in my own entrepreneurial journey: using “I am” affirmations.

Remember that tight feeling in my chest I mentioned earlier? Well, I’ve found that reciting positive affirmations out loud before tackling a scary task can help ease that anxiety.

For example, before recording a presentation, I might say:

  • “I am confident and well-prepared.”
  • “I am sharing valuable information that will help others.”
  • “I am capable of communicating clearly and effectively.”

And before setting a boundary with a client, I might affirm:

  • “I am worthy of respect and understanding.”
  • “I am clear and kind in my communication.”
  • “I am building stronger professional relationships through honesty.”

AI Prompts for Writing Affirmations

Now, I know coming up with affirmations on the spot when you’re already feeling anxious can be tough. That’s where a little tech magic comes in handy. You can actually enlist AI to help write these helpful affirmations! Simply describe the situation to an AI assistant and ask for a list of 5 powerful affirmations to combat any limiting or unhelpful beliefs.

For instance, you might say: “I’m about to have a difficult conversation with a client about missed deadlines. Can you give me 5 affirmations to boost my confidence?” The AI might respond with:

  1. “I am capable of having honest and productive conversations.”
  2. “I am maintaining high standards that benefit both my business and my clients.”
  3. “I am confident in my ability to find solutions that work for everyone.”
  4. “I am deserving of clients who respect my time and work.”
  5. “I am growing stronger with every challenging conversation I navigate.”

Remember, these affirmations are not about denying your feelings or pretending everything is perfect. They’re about reminding yourself of your inherent worth and capabilities, especially when anxiety tries to tell you otherwise.

Wrapping It Up: Your Invitation to Calm Confidence

Running a small business is no small feat, and entrepreneur anxiety is a common challenge. It takes courage, creativity, and a whole lot of coffee (or tea, if that’s more your speed). But it doesn’t have to come at the cost of your peace of mind.

By implementing these practical tips—brain dumping, setting boundaries, embracing imperfect action, crafting better to-do lists, practicing micro-meditation, building your support squad, and celebrating small wins—you’re not just managing your business. You’re nurturing your well-being and setting the stage for sustainable success.

Remember, dear reader, you’ve got this. Your anxiety doesn’t define you or your business journey. It’s just one part of the beautiful, complex tapestry that makes you the amazing entrepreneur you are.

So take a deep breath, give yourself a high five, and step into your day with calm confidence. Your future self (and your business) will thank you.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you love these tips and want to dive deeper into creating a business that feels aligned with your values and supports your well-being, I’ve got just the thing for you. Take my free quiz: “Is Your Website Working as Hard as You Are?” It’s a fun, quick way to assess if your online presence is supporting your business goals and personal values. Plus, you’ll get personalized tips on how to create a website that truly represents the heart of your business. Click here to take the quiz now!

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HI, I'M Hannah

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Creative director, website designer, brand strategist, & digital craftsperson elevating businesses online.


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