Hi, I'm Hannah.
I'm a creative director who helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs build authentic brands and soulful websites.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Grab your favorite cozy beverage and settle in, because I’m about to spill the tea on my journey from corporate burnout to blissful entrepreneurship. Trust me, it’s a wild ride!

Picture this: Your girl here, surrounded by the calm, intentional space of my home office, sipping on a steaming cup of French Earl Grey, and marveling at how different life looks now compared to just a few years ago. Back then, I was drowning in corporate burnout, juggling more hats than a circus performer, and slowly watching my creative spirit wither away.

But here’s the thing – that burnout? It was actually the universe’s way of nudging (okay, more like shoving) me towards my true path. And today, I want to share that journey with you, along with five crucial lessons that might just change your life. Whether you’re feeling the weight of burnout or simply dreaming of a more aligned career, consider this your permission slip to imagine a different future.

The Burnout Chronicles: When Success Feels Like Failure

Let’s rewind a bit, shall we? Picture a senior art director with 12 years of experience in branding and web design, working for a big tech company. Sounds impressive on paper, right? Spoiler alert: Sometimes, the most “successful” careers can be the most soul-crushing.

I was wearing more hats than the Royal Ascot, working hours that would make an owl dizzy, and pouring my energy into projects that made my inner values activist want to stage a protest. At first, the burnout whispered – a bit of emotional disconnection here, a dash of creative block there. But like many of us overachievers, I ignored those whispers, pushing through in the name of “success” (whatever that means, right?).

That’s when my body decided to turn up the volume. Panic attacks became my unwelcome besties. I developed a complicated relationship with food, using it as an emotional crutch. But the real wake-up call? It came on an ordinary Tuesday when I literally fainted during lunch, overwhelmed by anxiety and hyperventilation.

As I came to, surrounded by concerned passersby, I had a moment of clarity that hit harder than my morning espresso: Something had to change. And fast.

If you’re nodding along, feeling the weight of anxiety in your own entrepreneurial journey, don’t worry – you’re not alone. In fact, I’ve put together a resource just for you: Anti-Anxiety 101: 8 Practical Tips for Running Your Small Business with Calm Confidence. It’s like a warm, virtual hug for your stressed-out entrepreneur soul!

Lesson 1: Listen to Your Body and Mind (They’re Smarter Than You Think!)

Here’s the first golden nugget I picked up on this wild ride: Your body and mind will always tell you the truth, even when you’re not ready to hear it. The key is to start listening before the message becomes a full-blown Broadway musical number.

  • Emotional Check-ins: Feeling constantly anxious, sad, or angrier than a cat in a bathtub? Don’t brush it off. These emotions are your internal GPS trying to reroute you.
  • Physical Symptoms: Headaches, stomach issues, or sleep patterns crazier than a squirrel on caffeine? Your body might be waving red flags.
  • Regular Self-Assessments: Set aside time each day or week to honestly check in with yourself. Think of it as a coffee date with your inner self!

Check out my blog post on “5 Powerful Mindfulness Habits That Will Transform You” for more tips on tuning into your body and mind.

Research backs this up, too! A study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology found that people who regularly practice mindfulness reported lower levels of emotional exhaustion and higher job satisfaction. So, taking a moment to tune in? It’s not just woo-woo – it’s science-approved self-care!

Lesson 2: Align Your Work with Your Values (Or: How to Stop Swimming Upstream)

Working against your personal values is like trying to swim upstream while wearing a sumo wrestler costume – exhausting and, let’s face it, a little ridiculous. Through some deep soul-searching (and a lot of journaling), I realized that to be truly fulfilled, I needed to align my work with my core values.

Here’s a little exercise for you:

  1. Identify your non-negotiables: What matters most to you? Freedom? Creativity? Making a positive impact? Jot these down.
  2. Assess your current situation: How well does your job align with these values? Be honest – no judgment here!
  3. Explore alternatives: Sometimes, this might mean changing roles or companies. For me, it meant diving headfirst into the wild world of entrepreneurship.

Fun fact: A Gallup study found that employees who use their strengths every day are 6 times more likely to be engaged at work. When you align your work with your values and strengths, you’re not just happier – you’re more likely to excel!

Lesson 3: Build Your Dream Team (AKA Your Support Squad)

Here’s the truth, friends: No significant change happens in isolation. My transformation was made possible by three incredible women who became my support system:

  1. A mentor living my dream life, showing me what was possible (hello, vision board in human form!)
  2. A life coach who helped me find direction and clarity (like GPS for the soul)
  3. A therapist who supported my mental health journey (because sometimes you need a professional to help you untangle the mental spaghetti)

Together, these amazing humans helped me rapidly change my situation, providing guidance, accountability, and emotional support. Don’t underestimate the power of surrounding yourself with the right people – it’s like having your own personal cheer squad!

Need help finding your support squad? Check out FindAMentor.com for connecting with potential mentors in your industry.

And guess what? Science agrees! A study in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that individuals with mentors reported higher job and career satisfaction, along with a stronger commitment to their profession. So go ahead, build that dream team – your future self will thank you!

Lesson 4: Prioritize Self-Care and Boundaries (It’s Not Selfish, It’s Necessary!)

Okay, let’s get one thing straight: Self-care isn’t selfish – it’s essential. It’s like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others. As I rebuilt my life and career, I put self-care front and center:

  • Morning meditation routine: Starting each day with mindfulness sets a positive tone. It’s like a green smoothie for your mind!
  • Evening gratitude practice: Ending the day with thankfulness improves overall well-being. Plus, it’s way more fun than doom-scrolling before bed.
  • Clear work boundaries: I set specific work hours and stick to them, respecting my personal time. No more answering emails at 2 AM!
  • Automated systems: I use tools to handle repetitive tasks, reducing constant work-related thoughts. Technology is your friend, people!
  • 48-hour email response policy: This gives me breathing room and manages client expectations. Because instant replies are so 2005.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity for sustainable success. And it’s not just me saying this – research published in the Academy of Management Journal found that employees who engaged in regular self-care activities reported lower levels of burnout and higher job satisfaction.

Lesson 5: Create Systems That Support Your Vision (Or: How to Work Smarter, Not Harder)

As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to fall into the trap of constantly working IN your business rather than ON it. Creating systems has been key to preventing burnout in my new venture:

  • Automate repetitive tasks: Use tools like Zapier or IFTTT to handle routine processes. It’s like having a robot assistant (minus the world domination plans).
  • Create templates: For emails, proposals, and other frequently used documents. Why reinvent the wheel every time?
  • Batch similar tasks: Group like activities (e.g., all client calls on certain days) for increased efficiency. It’s like meal prepping, but for your work!
  • Regular review and optimization: Continuously assess and improve your systems. Think of it as spring cleaning for your business.

These systems allow me to focus on high-value work and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Because let’s face it, we became entrepreneurs for freedom, not to be chained to our desks 24/7!

Pro Tip: Are you a service provider looking for tools to streamline your client management? Check out Honeybook to give yourself DAYS back on your life.

And here’s a fun tidbit: A study by McKinsey found that implementing social technologies in the workplace can raise the productivity of knowledge workers by 20-25%. So go ahead, embrace those systems – your productivity (and sanity) will thank you!

The Transformation: From Corporate Cog to Creative Queen

My transition from corporate art director to independent branding coach and website designer took about six months. It involved deep self-reflection, learning new skills, and gradually building my business while still maintaining financial stability. (Because let’s be real, bills don’t pay themselves… yet.)

The shift wasn’t just in my job title – it was a complete mindset change. I went from seeing myself as a cog in a corporate machine to the creator of my own destiny. Every decision, from the clients I work with to the hours I keep, now aligns with my values and vision. It’s like I finally found the right puzzle piece that completes the picture of my life!

Success Story: When Aligned Branding Creates Magic

One of my favorite examples of the power of aligned branding is a client of mine – a financial wealth advisor. We crafted her brand to speak directly to the ideal lifestyle of her target customers: comfortable, relaxed, and abundant. (Think less “Wolf of Wall Street” and more “Zen Master of Prosperity”.)

Her visual identity exudes calm confidence, with soothing colors and imagery that evoke feelings of security and prosperity. Her messaging focuses on how financial freedom can lead to a more relaxed, fulfilling life. (Because who doesn’t want to feel like they’re on a permanent vacation?)

The result? Her purpose-drive business is thriving. She’s attracting ideal clients who resonate with her approach, and she’s able to make a significant impact while enjoying her work. Most importantly, she’s no longer having panic attacks. It’s a beautiful example of how aligning your brand with your values can lead to both personal fulfillment and business success. Talk about a win-win!

Pro Tip: Curious about how to align your brand with your values? Check out my Brand Alignment Coaching for some one-on-one guidance.

Conclusion: Your Turn to Shine!

The journey from corporate burnout to mindful entrepreneurship wasn’t easy, but it was undoubtedly worth it. By listening to my body and mind, aligning my work with my values, building a strong support system, prioritizing self-care, and creating supportive systems, I’ve created a business and life that energizes rather than depletes me.

If you’re feeling the weight of burnout or simply yearning for a more aligned career, know that change is possible. It starts with a vision – a clear picture of the life and business you want to create. And trust me, if I can do it, so can you!

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. We’re all figuring it out as we go, one step at a time. So be kind to yourself, embrace the process, and get ready for an amazing adventure!

Until next time, stay creative, stay mindful, and most importantly, stay true to yourself!

With love and good vibes, Hannah

P.S. Did this post resonate with you? I’d love to hear about it! Drop a comment below or shoot me a message. Let’s keep the conversation going!

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HI, I'M Hannah

About Me • About Me • About Me •

Creative director, website designer, brand strategist, & digital craftsperson elevating businesses online.


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